November 3, 2020

Last weekend, with assistance of Greg Mackey, manager of Oak Creek Wildlife Area, Sequoia co-founder
Yogi Agrawal and 11 volunteers from Mercer Island planted 500 Douglas Firs
near Yakima, WA. The forest had sustained fire damage. Old Douglas firs are very fire-resistant, due largely to the protective bark that develops with age. In contrast, the thin bark of young trees offers little protection, even from low-intensity fires. The thin bark begins to thicken and develop vertical fissures as trees mature, but can take up to 200 years to become hardy & fire restistant.
Read more about Washingotn’s Douglas Firs in this publication by Wasington’s Department of Natural Resources.
2020 saw the worst fire season on record for Washington, Oregon, and California. This seasons is part of a larger trend of West Coast wildfires intensifying in size & effects.
The 500 transplanted trees were paid for with funds from Rotary Club of Mercer Island, and grown to 2-3 feet tall in Yogi and Sam Sullivan’s yards. Eva Agrawal, Yogi’s wife, organized volunteers. Sequoia is proud of our commitment to environmental stewardship and the steps we take to
offset our carbon footprint. What a beautiful day! Thank you Yogi for leading this effort and everyone who attended!

Photos by Terry Lee
Click on image for sharper photo.