Sequoia announces two new integrated, turnkey instrumentation packages for oil spill and harmful algae bloom (HAB) applications: The LISST-BLACK and LISST-HAB systems.
Both systems are centered around a LISST-200X (Sequoia’s workhorse instrument), modified to accept input from 3 analogue sensors. For the LISST-BLACK, the three sensors are fluorometers for crude and refined oil and a Chlorophyll fluorometer. For the LISST-HAB, the three sensors are fluorometers for Phycocyanin (Freshwater HAB’s), Phycoerythrin (Marine HAB’s) and Chlorophyll. For both systems, the three fluorometers from Turner Designs are integrated onto the LISST-200X with a custom harness cable and mounting brackets. The fluorometers are powered and controlled by the LISST-200X, which also integrates the signal from the fluorometers into the standard LISST-200X data stream.
Sequoia’s LISST-200X and its predecessors, the LISST-100X and LISST-100 have been used since the early 2000’s in oil spill research, oil spill remediation efforts and for various types of algae monitoring. During the clean-up efforts after the Deepwater Horizon accident in 2010, use of Sequoia’s LISST was required by the US EPA. A non-comprehensive list of papers and reports demonstrating how to use the LISSTs for oil spill and algae monitoring can be found in Sequoia’s on-line library.
Sequoia expects to begin taking orders for the LISST-BLACK and LISST-HAB in late Q3 for delivery in Q4, 2019. For more information, contact Sequoia.