If you have ever been to a US tradeshow where Sequoia is exhibiting, you will know we give away small Sequoia seedlings.
Andre Schallier, now a retired Sequoia distributor in Belgium, got a seedling from us many years ago when he visited. He planted the tree at home in Belgium, took a picture with his grandson and sent it to us. 22 years later, they have just re-created the scene, but now in front of a *much* bigger Sequoia tree, now standing 11m tall. Same great shirt, though!
It did take two tries for the tree to work out, but it is great to see the growth for the tree, grandson and for Sequoia, who has had a great start to 2025.
Come see us in the next eight weeks at either ASLO 2025 in Charlotte, NC; Ocean Business 2025 in Southampton, UK and EGU 25 in Vienna, Austria. Learn more about what is going on and how our instrumentation can help your research!