
Sequoia Scientific

PiE – Particles in Europe

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PiE is a bi-annual conference on the measurement, monitoring, and managing of in situ particle size and sediment concentration in the aquatic environment. The meeting is organized by Sequoia and a local organizer somewhere in Europe.

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Beginning with PiE 2023, each PiE meeting will feature a $2,000 award in the name of Sequoia’s co-founder, Dr. Yogi Agrawal: The Eva and Yogi Agrawal Award for Significant Contributions to our Science Through Novel Observations will be awarded for the first time at the PiE 2023 conference dinner. The awardee will be selected amongst the scientists who presented results at the 2018 PiE conference mainly based on novel observations. More details here.

The eighth PiE will be held 17-19 September 2025 in Ostend, Belgium. It is co-organized by Sequoia Scientific, Inc., VLIZ, Flanders Hydraulics and Institute of Natural Sciences. An optional field trip will be organized for 16th September 2025 in the early afternoon. Icebreaker is planned for 16th September 2025 in the evening.

Here is what some past PiE attendees have to say about the meeting:

“The PiE meeting is one of the most scientifically informative as well as enjoyable conferences on my calendar.  I try not to miss it.”, – Rick Reynolds, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

“The PIE workshops provide an ideal opportunity to meet and discuss the latest research on aquatic particles.  Unlike conferences, its size allows for ample discussion in an environment that promotes inter-disciplinary cooperation. I have found these workshops to be thought provoking and a lot of fun.” – Tim Milligan, Bedford Institute of Oceanography

“The PIE workshops provide a forum for marine scientists from a number of disciplines to come together to assess our capability to measure and understand bodies in the water column, be they biological, flocculating cohesive sediments or non-cohesive sands. I have always enjoyed the workshops, finding them to be stimulating and interesting, with a good balance of the academic, social and informal.” – Peter Thorne, National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, UK

“PiE is the kind conference that one should attend when dealing with particles in aquatic environments. The relative small number of participants, the specialised topics and the sufficient time for socializing with colleagues from other institutions makes the conference for me an event not to miss.” – Michael Fettweis, MUMM, Belgium

The first PiE was held in Bologna, Italy in October 2008. It was organized by Sequoia and ISMAR . 40+ scientists attended.

The second PiE was held in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France in November 2010. It was organized by Sequoia and LOV and had 82 participants. The proceedings from the meeting were published in a special issue of Geo-Marine Letters in April 2012.

The third PiE was held in Barcelona, Spain, 17-19 October 2012. It was organized by Sequoia and CMIMA.

The fourth PiE  was held in Esbjerg, Denmark, 7-9 October 2014.  It was co-sponsored by the University of Copenhagen and the MacArtney Underwater Technology Group. Click here for a summary of the conference.

The fifth PiE was held in Budapest, Hungary, 3-5 October 2016. It was co-sponsored by Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

The sixth PiE was held in Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 October 2018. It was co-sponsored by Instituto Hidrográfico.

The seventh PiE was held in the HCMR Thalassocosmos complex in Heraklion, Crete, Greece 3-5 October 2023. It was co-organized with HCMR – Hellenic Centre for Marine Research. The Eva and Yogi Agrawal Award for Significant Contributions to our Science Through Novel Observations was awarded for the first time to Dr. Spyros Chaikalis at the conference dinner.