Sequoia’s LISST-200X enjoys popularity amongst microplastics researchers. The instrument has been used to analyze microplastic particle distributions from disposable masks[i] , investigate interactions between oil droplets and microplastics[ii],[iii],[iv] and measure microparticles from biodegradable microplastics[v] and disposable face masks[vi], and assess microplastic concentration, distribution and abundance in urban drainage systems[vii]. These studies have highlighted the environmental impacts of microplastics and contributed to our understanding of the distribution and enrichment of microplastics in many different aquatic environments.
Other studies were concerned with the effects of environmental aging on microplastics[viii]. The instrument assessed microparticle distribution from degrading PLA masks, revealing fewer microparticles compared to polypropylene masks[ix]. In one study, it was used to analyze the average size and the distribution of micro- and nano-particle sizes in leachate from biodegradable microplastics, providing insights into the fragmentation process under accelerated weathering conditions[x]. Yet another study analyzed microplastics in both pristine and aged states, aiding in understanding their vertical migration under varying salinity conditions[xi].
Another study utilized the device to measure microplastic concentrations in water and ice, revealing insights into the enrichment and distribution of microplastics during ice formation[xii], elucidating microplastics transport pathways in cold regions.
The LISST-200X also facilitated the measurement of microplastic concentrations in supernatants, aiding in the analysis of microplastic retention in substrates[xiii]. The instrument’s capability to measure changes in microplastic suspensions with nanobubbles has shed light on the stability and aggregation behavior of these particles[xiv].
Summarizing, LISST-200X has proven to be a valuable tool for microplastics researchers in understanding microplastics behavior and interaction in a range of aquatic environments.
Note that also Sequoia’s LISST-Holo2 and LISST-VSF have been used for microplastics research[xv], [xvi], [xvii].
Please visit Sequoia’s technical library for a comprehensive listing of LISST and Hyper papers across a wide range of topics.
[i] Wang, Z. et al. Disposable masks release microplastics to the aqueous environment with exacerbation by natural weathering. J. Hazard. Mater. 417, 126036 (2021).
[ii] Yang, M. et al. Interactions between microplastics and oil dispersion in the marine environment. J. Hazard. Mater. 403, 123944 (2021).
[iii] Yang, M. et al. Impact of Microplastics on Oil Dispersion Efficiency in the Marine Environment. Sustainability 13, 13752 (2021).
[iv] Yang, M. et al. Transport of Microplastic and Dispersed Oil Co-contaminants in the Marine Environment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57, 5633–5645 (2023).
[v] Cai, M. et al. Insights into the abiotic fragmentation of biodegradable mulches under accelerated weathering conditions. J. Hazard. Mater. 454, 131477 (2023).
[vi] Lyu, L. et al. An investigation into the aging of disposable face masks in landfill leachate. J. Hazard. Mater. 446, 130671 (2023).
[vii] Zhou, Y. et al. Microplastics discharged from urban drainage system: Prominent contribution of sewer overflow pollution. Water Res. 236, 119976 (2023).
[viii] Feng, Q. et al. Investigation into the impact of aged microplastics on oil behavior in shoreline environments. J. Hazard. Mater. 421, 126711 (2022).
[ix] Lyu, L. et al. The degradation of polylactic acid face mask components in different environments. J. Environ. Manag. 370, 122731 (2024).
[x] Cai, M. et al. Insights into the abiotic fragmentation of biodegradable mulches under accelerated weathering conditions. J. Hazard. Mater. 454, 131477 (2023).
[xi] Yang, X. et al. Spotlight on the vertical migration of aged microplastics in coastal waters. J. Hazard. Mater. 469, 134040 (2024).
[xii] Chen, Z., Elektorowicz, M., An, C. & Tian, X. Entrainment and Enrichment of Microplastics in Ice Formation Processes: Implications for the Transport of Microplastics in Cold Regions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57, 3176–3186 (2023).
[xiii] Feng, Q., An, C., Chen, Z. & Wang, Z. New Perspective on the Mobilization of Microplastics through Capillary Fringe Fluctuation in a Tidal Aquifer Environment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57, 929–938 (2023).
[xiv] Wang, Z., An, C., Lee, K. & Feng, Q. Overlooked Role of Bulk Nanobubbles in the Alteration and Motion of Microplastics in the Ocean Environment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57, 11289–11299 (2023).
[xv] Fakayode, S. O. et al. Microplastics: Challenges, toxicity, spectroscopic and real-time detection methods. Appl. Spectrosc. Rev. ahead-of-print, 1–95 (2024).
[xvi] Calore, D. & Fraticelli, N. State of the Art Offshore In Situ Monitoring of Microplastic. Microplastics 1, 640–650 (2022).
[xvii] Koestner, D., Foster, R., El‐Habashi, A. & Cheatham, S. Measurements of the inherent optical properties of aqueous suspensions of microplastics. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. (2024).