
Sequoia Scientific


How is ppm related to concentration

April 5, 2011

[Sequoia, April 5, 2011] ppm vs concentration in mg/l or µl/l? How is ppm related to concentration? ppm means parts-per-million. But what parts? The amount of particles in a suspension can be expressed as the total volume OR total mass of particles in...


Using the LISST-STX as a LISST-100X

March 11, 2011

Can I use the LISST-STX as a LISST-100X? How? [Sequoia, March 11, 2011] Sequoia’s LISST-STX is an instrument designed for measuring the settling velocities of suspended sediment in situ. In order to accomplish this, we have fitted...


Oil droplet size, concentration and the LISST-100X

May 11, 2010

The LISST-100X monitors oil droplets and concentration in the Gulf of Mexico. [Sequoia, May 11, 2010] The LISST-100X instrument from Sequoia Scientific, Inc. has been used intensively by the oil spill research community in the last...


DeepWater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

May 3, 2010

DeepWater Horizon spill and the LISST-100X [Sequoia, May 3, 2010] The LISST-100X instrument from Sequoia Scientific, Inc. has been used intensively by the oil spill research community in the last few years to measure the size and concentration...