get_bf.m [Sequoia, April 5, 2011] This MATLAB script allows the LISST-100 or LISST-100X user to compute the part of the forward scattering coefficient, bf, covered by the angle ranges of the LISST-100X. See the application note ‘Angles...
get_bf.m [Sequoia, April 5, 2011] This MATLAB script allows the LISST-100 or LISST-100X user to compute the part of the forward scattering coefficient, bf, covered by the angle ranges of the LISST-100X. See the application note ‘Angles...
Size Bins for use with Matrices based on Randomly Shaped Grains [Sequoia, March 18, 2011] The tables below tabulate the values for the Type B and C size bins for inversions based on Sequoia’s matrices for randomly shaped particles....
The Influence of Particles Outside the Size Range of the LISST [Sequoia, February 23, 2011] A question that Sequoia often gets asked is: What happens when the suspension contains particles outside the measurement range? The short answer...
The LISST-100X monitors oil droplets and concentration in the Gulf of Mexico. [Sequoia, May 11, 2010] The LISST-100X instrument from Sequoia Scientific, Inc. has been used intensively by the oil spill research community in the last...
DeepWater Horizon spill and the LISST-100X [Sequoia, May 3, 2010] The LISST-100X instrument from Sequoia Scientific, Inc. has been used intensively by the oil spill research community in the last few years to measure the size and concentration...