The second Particles in Europe conference was held in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France 14-17 November 2010 and had 82 participants from Europe, Africa, USA and Canada.
The organizers were Dr. Ole Aarup Mikkelsen from Sequoia Scientific, together with Dr. David Doxaran, Dr. Malik Chami and Dr. Edouard Leymarie from LOV.
There were seven invited speakers: Professor Peter Thorne from The National Oceanography Centre (UK), Dr. Miroslaw Jonasz from MJC Optical Technology (Canada), Tim Milligan from DFO (Canada), Professor Morten Pejrup from University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Dr. Dave Bowers from Bangor University, Wales (UK), Dr. Rick Reynolds from University of California San Diego (USA) and Professor Oleg Kopelevich from the PP Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Russia).
A special issue of Geo-Marine Letters with the proceedings from PiE 2010 was published in April 2012.
PiE 2010 program
14 November 2010
17.00-21.00 | Registration and ice breaker, Salles des Fillets, LOV |
Monday 15th November 2010 |
08.00-08.30 | Registration, Cont’d |
08.30-08.35 | Welcome from the Mayor of Villefranche-sur-Mer |
08.35-08.40 | Welcome from Dr. Louis Legendre, Director of LOV |
08.40-08.50 | Welcome from the organizing committee, housekeeping information |
Particles and New Technologies I – Chair Malik Chami, LOV, France | |
08.50-09.20 | Thorne P: Acoustic estimates of suspended particle size and concentration in mixed sediment environments. |
09.20-09.40 | Schindler R, Manning A, and Bass S: Development of Acoustic & Optical Measurements of Cohesive Flocs via In Situ Particle Visualization. |
09.40-10.00 | Moate BD, Meral R, and Thorne PD: Laboratory comparison of LISST and ABS response to mixed sediment suspensions. |
10.00-10.20 | Lau KT, Hayes J, Kim D, and Diamond D: Real-time wireless optical sensor network for water quality measurement. |
10.20-10.40 | Mikkelsen, OA, Buchan S, Currie C, and Agrawal YC: On Using the LISST-STX for Measurements of Settling Velocity Spectra. |
10.40-11.10 | Coffee Break |
Particles and New Technologies II – Chair Dave Bowers, Bangor University, UK | |
11.10-11.40 | Jonasz M: Review of technology and sensors used to measure the optical properties and size distributions of hydrosols. |
11.40-12.00 | Stemmann L, Picheral M, Guidi L, Legendre L, Claustre H, and Gorsky G: Underwater Vision Profiler – a sensor for detailed assessment of particles (> 100 µm) and large plankton distribution. |
12.00-12.20 | Buscombe D, Rubin D, Lacy J: Hourly measurements of grain-size from the inner continental shelf seabed using a fully-automated, hydraulically-controlled underwater video microscope. |
12.20-12.40 | Sas M: SiltProfiler: Novel instrumentation for rapidly profiling the suspended sediment concentration and water column salinity structure. |
12.40-13.00 | Cross J, Nimmo-Smith A, Torres R, and Hosegood P: Measuring the response of biological particles to turbulent events using holographic imaging |
13.00-14.30 | LUNCH – on your own |
Flocs – Chair Rick Reynolds, Scripps, USA | |
14.30-15.00 | Milligan TG, Hill PS, Law BA, and Newgard JP: Floc Fraction and Stress in a top Boundary Layer. |
15.00-15.20 | Fettweis M, Baeye M, Francken F, Van den Eynde D, Van Lancker V: Floc dynamics during storm events in a coastal turbidity maximum area. |
15.20-15.40 | Manning AJ, Schoellhamer DC, Mehta AJ, Novere D, and Schladow SG: Video Observations of Flocculated Sediment from Three Contrastingly Different Natural Environments in the USA. |
15.40-16.00 | Graham GW, Nimmo Smith WAM, Bowers DG, and Braithwaite KM: In-situ observations of suspended particles with complex shape. |
16.00-16.20 | Chen P, Fettweis M, Maggi F, and Yu JCS: Numerical simulation of flocculation behaviour during storm events. |
16.20-16.50 | Coffee Break |
16.50-18.00 | Discussion |
DINNER – on your own | |
Tuesday 16th November 2010 |
Erosion, transport and deposition I – Chair Peter Thorne, POL, UK | |
08.30-09.00 | Pejrup M: Wadden Sea Sediment Dynamics |
09.00-09.20 | Hamouda AZ, and Abdel-Salam KM: Acoustic image survey for the sea floor at the northeastern side of Alexandria city, Mediterranean Sea |
09.20-09.40 | Gratiot N, Legout C, Navratil O, Némery J, Prat C, Duvert C, Grangeon T, Belleudy P, and Estèves M: Monitoring sediment dynamics in mountainous subcatchments (10km2) |
09.40-10.00 | Limare A, Lajeunesse E, Ammann J, Gamblin Y, Vieira A, and Dessert C: Monitoring Sediment Transport in Rivers during Extreme Climatic Events |
10.00-10:20 | Winter C, Maushake C: Formation of turbidity clouds in tidal currents |
10.20-10.50 | Coffee Break |
Erosion, transport and deposition II – Chair Oleg Kopelevich, PP Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russia | |
10.50-11.10 | Lorthiois T, Doxaran D, Chami M, Bourrin F, Verney R: Fluxes and fate of the suspended particles exported by the Rhone river into the Mediterranean Sea based on field optical measurements. |
11.10-11.30 | Lefebvre JP, Ouillon S, Vinh VD, Arfi R, Binh DT, Panché JP, Mari X, and Torréton JP: Hydro-sedimentary dynamics of the Red River delta (Vietnam). |
11.30-11.50 | Mari X, Rochelle-Newall E, Torréton J-P, Bettarel Y, Pringault O, Menkes C, Lefèvre J, Marchesiello P, Migon C, Motegi C, Weinbauer M, Legendre L: The neglected impact of soot. |
11.50-12.10 | Rivier A, Gohin F, and Petus C: Observed variability of the suspended sediment concentration in the English Channel in relation to the tidal cycle and waves. |
12.10-12.30 | Maushake C, Winter C: Field studies of suspended sediment dynamics in the German Estuaries. |
12.30-12.50 | Law BA, Milligan TG, Hill PS, Newgard JP, Maier I, and Page F: Using optical instruments to track the resuspension and transport of aquaculture wastes. |
12.50-14.30 | LUNCH – on your own |
14.30-15.00 | Discussion: Debriefing for 1st day discussion 1/2 |
15.00-18.00 | Visit to LOV and OOV |
19.00- | Conference Dinner |
Wednesday 17th November 2010 |
Particles and Optics I – Chair Morten Pejrup, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | |
08.30-09.00 | Bowers D: Why Are Shelf Seas So Bright When Viewed From Space – A Review Of The Optical Properties Of Flocculated Particles. |
09.00-09.20 | Hill PS, Boss E, Newgard JP, Law BA, and Milligan TG: Observations of the sensitivity of beam attenuation to particle size in a coastal top boundary layer. |
09.20-09.40 | Bressac M, Guieu C, Doxaran D, Obolensky G, Grisoni JM, and Bourrin F: Optical measurements to observe the fate of Saharan dust in seawater: a simulated dust deposition during the DUNE project |
09.40-10.10 | Reynolds RA, and Stramski D: Measurements of the particle size distribution in Arctic waters and its relation to seawater optical properties. |
10.10-10.40 | Coffee Break |
Particles and Optics II – Chair Tim Milligan, DFO, Canada | |
10.40-11.10 | Kopelevich O: Scattering properties of marine particles and their practical application. |
11.10-11.30 | Neukermans G, Loisel H, Mériaux X, and Denis K: Effect of particle aggregation on total, back and side scattering coefficients in coastal waters |
11.30-11.50 | Davies E, Nimmo Smith A, Agrawal Y, Souza A: Scattering Signatures of Suspended Sediments |
11.50-12.10 | Hedley J: The optical scattering properties of coral reef fine-grain sediments modelled by the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method. |
12.10-12.40 | Discussion: Debriefing for 1st day discussion 2/2 |
12.40-12.45 | Good-Bye |