Particle and sediment sensor holding calibration FOR LIFE!
See a list of papers published with LISST-200X data here!
The LISST-200X is Sequoia’s workhorse. It is a self-contained submersible laser diffraction particle size analyzer, designed for measuring suspended particle size and concentration in the aquatic environment – oceans, rivers, lakes, streams. A fast response temperature sensor and a high-resolution depth sensor makes it suitable for profiling or towing. With Sequoia’s optional BioBlock accessory it can be deployed for months on moorings or landers for long-term studies. For the system integrator, the LISST-200X can power and accept inputs from up to three external analog sensors. Data can be output in real time. The LISST-200X is typically used for sediment, (harmful) algae, oil-spill, ocean optics, visibility, dredging, aquaculture, environmental and laboratory applications.