Particle and sediment sensor holding calibration FOR LIFE! See a list of papers published with LISST-200X data here! The LISST-200X is Sequoia’s...
Particle and sediment sensor holding calibration FOR LIFE! See a list of papers published with LISST-200X data here! The LISST-200X is Sequoia’s...
Low-cost acoustic sensor directly measuring Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) at a point. Integrates easily with existing dataloggers or...
The LISST-Glider is a version of the LISST-200X designed for glider integration on a Teledyne Webb Research’s SLOCUM G2 and G3 glider. See...
Sequoia presents the world’s first commercially available hyperspectral backscatter instrument – Hyper-bb. The Hyper-bb is a submersible...
The LISST-AOBS Super-Turbidity sensor is a sensor to measure suspended sediment concentration (SSC). See a list of papers published with LISST-AOBS...
Integrated, self-contained instrumentation package See a list of papers published with LISST-Black data here! The LISST-Black is a self-contained,...
Harmful algae bloom (HAB) instrument See a list of papers published with LISST-HAB data here! The LISST-HAB is a self-contained, stand-alone...
The LISST-Holo2 stores holograms for study of flocs, plankton, and other particles in water. See a list of papers using LISST-Holo2 or LISST-Holo...
The LISST-SL2 is Sequoia’s most powerful multi-parameter river sediment monitoring instrument. Delivers real-time Point-Integrated, Depth-Integrated,...
The LISST-Portable|XR is the world’s first and only battery powered, portable, low-cost particle size analyzer. It can be used in the field,...
World’s first autonomous, submersible instrument for measuring the volume scattering function (VSF) of water with depolarization. Measures...
FlowControl-Lab has been discontinued and will no longer be manufactured. Existing units are still supported. If you are interested in a FlowControl,...
FlowControl-Sub is a microprocessor-controlled fully submersible 3-way valve system for use in flow-through applications on profiling platforms...
EcoLight-S(ubroutine) is an extremely fast RTE (radiative transfer equation) solver developed for use as the optical component of coupled physical-biological-optical...
The HydroLight radiative transfer numerical model computes radiance distributions and related quantities (irradiances, reflectances, diffuse...