
Sequoia Scientific


Sequoia Scientific has been building instruments for making measurements in the marine environment since 1995. The LISST-200X and its predecessors (the LISST-100 and LISST-100X) has become the go to tool for measuring particle size and concentration in the ocean. The LISST-Holo is a holographic particle imaging system that can produce images of particles as well as obtain size distributions. The LISST-VSF and LISST-Stokes are specialized instrument made specifically for the ocean optics community. The FlowControl is our newest product and is used with other optical instruments such as WetLabs AC-S to provide the ability to automatically switch between filtered and unfiltered source water and thus greatly improve the accuracy of data.  HydroLight is widely used software for computing underwater radiance distributions and related quantities as needed for optical oceanography and ocean-color remote sensing.  EcoLight-S is a subroutine package for computing underwater irradiances for use within ecosystem and iterative inverse models, where extremely fast run times are required.


The LISST-Horizon is a self-contained instrument for bench-top deployment in a research vessel laboratory. Plumbed to continuous underway uncontaminated...



Sequoia presents the world’s first commercially available hyperspectral backscatter instrument – Hyper-bb. The Hyper-bb is a submersible...

LISST-Black - covered


Integrated, self-contained instrumentation package See a list of papers published with LISST-Black data here! The LISST-Black is a self-contained,...

LISST-HAB - covered


Harmful algae bloom (HAB) instrument See a list of papers published with LISST-HAB data here! The LISST-HAB is a self-contained, stand-alone...



Optical Transmission and Beam Attenuation See a list of papers published with LISST-Tau data here! LISST-Tau is a high-precision transmissometer...

Hyper-a full view


In-situ absorption meter based on the integrating sphere principle. The Hyper-a is designed for precision, in-situ bulk absorption measurements...


The LISST-RTSSV measures in-situ particle size, settling velocity, and concentration. See a list of papers published with LISST-RTSSV data here! The...


LISST-OST measures diffuse attenuation from which sinking POC and particle flux can be derived See a list of papers published with LISST-OST...


Particle and sediment sensor holding calibration FOR LIFE! See a list of papers published with LISST-200X data here! The LISST-200X is Sequoia’s...


The LISST-Glider is a version of the LISST-200X designed for glider integration on a Teledyne Webb Research’s SLOCUM G2 and G3 glider. See...

LISST-Holo Digital Holographic Imaging System


The LISST-Holo2 stores holograms for study of flocs, plankton, and other particles in water. See a list of papers using LISST-Holo2 or LISST-Holo...

LISST-Portable|XR with ultrasonic probe inserted


The LISST-Portable|XR is the world’s first and only battery powered, portable, low-cost particle size analyzer. It can be used in the field,...

LISST-Deep promo photo


The LISST-Deep instrument is a 4,000 m rated version of Sequoia’s LISST-200X workhorse. See a list of papers published with LISST-Deep...



World’s first autonomous, submersible instrument for measuring the volume scattering function (VSF) of water with depolarization. Measures...


FlowControl-Lab has been discontinued and will no longer be manufactured. Existing units are still supported. If you are interested in a FlowControl,...



FlowControl-Sub is a microprocessor-controlled fully submersible 3-way valve system for use in flow-through applications on profiling platforms...


EcoLight-S(ubroutine) is an extremely fast RTE (radiative transfer equation) solver developed for use as the optical component of coupled physical-biological-optical...


The HydroLight radiative transfer numerical model computes radiance distributions and related quantities (irradiances, reflectances, diffuse...